A Guide to Calling Out Cishet Men
Good morning and happy Friday everyone! After a bit of an absence here is another installment in the popular anti-patriarchy series. And before there is ANY confusion, this “guide” is not meant to be taken literally, but as a critique of all the excuse-making that occurs whenever a cishet man is held accountable for his behavior or actions.
Every single suggestion in this “guide” is real, real in that they were actually suggested by someone defending a problematic cishet male. And to my surprise, there was a considerable number of womxn defending these problematic men.
I hope this “guide” allows all of us to reflect on how we as a society protect abusive men. And as a cishet man myself, I really hope other cishet men recognize the ridiculous mental gymnastics some people are willing to fo just to protect us.
Special thanks to my partner, La Colocha Cachimbona, for her magnificent perspective and editing in getting this thing together.