Berta Cáceres, ¡presente!

Berta Cáceres, ¡presente!

Gracias a Leisy Ábrego por la transcripción.

Quote translation:

“The Honduran people’s resistance is diverse and in many corners, even in places you cannot even imagine. It is faraway communities. It is in the struggle for land which we are leading against the privatization of rivers, of the land itself. It is in the edges of the beaches. It is in the drums of the Garífuna. It is in the millenary resistance of the Lenca people; and also of our brothers and sisters in the south, in Zacate Grande. It is in the peasantry that continue to reclaim their land, or the Maya Chortí that are once again undertaking a fierce struggle in the archaeological park of Copán. The same, neighborhoods in Tegucigalpa that are resistant to being converted to model cities… There is resistance in the neighborhoods; in the universities of San Pedro Sula, in Tegucigalpa. That is, there there the people are, at the bases, there is resistance, in women, in sexual diversity, the feminist struggle, even in strong ecumenical movement that have also joined in the struggle to defend the common good and nature.”

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