¡Berta Cáceres, presente!

¡Berta Cáceres, presente!

Mucha atención se la ha otorgado al fallecimiento de Carrie Fisher, en particular por su personificación de la Princesa Leia, que es un símbolo feminista, rebelde, y anteimperialista. Pero este último día del 2016, quisiera tomar un momento para homenajear a una verdadera héroe, una rebelde que lucho en contra del imperialismo y dio su vida por su pueblo.

¡Berta Cáceres, presente!

Cartoon translation: “The name of Bera Cáceres is sacred. It is not a statistic, nor a political point, nor a historical anecdote. The name of Berta is a root whose fruit shall be the liberation of her people.”

Much attention has been give to the passing of Carrie Fisher, in particular because of her personification of Princess Leia, which serves as a feminist symbol of anti-imperialist rebellion. But this last day of 2016, I would like to take a moment to honor a true hero, a rebel who fought against imperialism and gave her life for her people.

¡Berta Cáceres, presente!

#BertaCaceres Berta Cáceres

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