Mi abuela y su tigre
Mi abuela, Mama Julia, era una maestra del humor negro salvadoreño. Una digna herencia que ahora mi madre me la otorga cada vez que la visito. Espero en un futuro cercano poder dibujar y traer más de sus dichos y cuentos a la vida.
My grandmother, Mama Julia, was the master of Salvi dark humor. It is a dignified heritage that that my mother now dispenses every time I see her. I hope that in the near future I will be able to draw and bring to life more of their sayings and stories.
“When your Mama Julia was really old, she would always say, ‘Ay! I’m ready for the tiger! But not even the tiger will want to eat me! When you get old, you will understand and say the same.’ And the lady was right.”
August 28, 2015
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