Dichos de un bicho / Memes  / Deportations by the U.S. & Mexico

Deportations by the U.S. & Mexico

When we talk about the Central American refugee crisis, let us not just focus on the U.S. and what the U.S. is going, but let’s look at the whole picture. Particularly, how the U.S. is paying the Mexican government to do its own dirty work. The U.S. and Mexican governments are part of the same oppressive apparatus. So why then is the mainstream migration narrative mainly focused on the U.S.?

Here‘s another infographic for you. In 2015, Mexico deported more Central Americans than the U.S. deported Mexicans.

UPDATE: Central Americans deported by the U.S. not included due to significantly lower numbers:

Costa Rica 162
Belize 121
Panama 87

Numbers of deported from these countries were not included in Mexico’s statistics.

Guatemalans Deported

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