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On Mexican Hegemony

Time to get into trouble. Let’s talk about the#MexicanHegemony !

And if it makes it a little easier to swallow this pill, consider this: most of us who are non-native and live in the United States, whether we like it or not, at some level are beneficiaries the American empire. Our nice first world, our standards of living, and our privileges come at the expense of the rest of the world. Every nation state given the chance would do the same. At the core of the issue is the malignant nature of the nation-state apparatus.

But to believe that one is not privileged when whole swaths of human beings live beneath you is privilege itself.

Comments: 2
  • Karen June 28, 2018 8:44 am

    I want to learn more and I ask. How do you advise me to keep my sanity through all this harm the Mexican community continues to inflict on us.

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